Halifax Media Co-op

News from Nova Scotia's Grassroots

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Nova Scotia

September 29, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Health-care workers call legislation a direct attack on unions

» 6 photos: View by Robert Devet

September 26, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Healthcare workers want to stay in union of their choice

Legislation to merge District Health Authorities also imposes specific unions on workers

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 24, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

ACORN Nova Scotia continues to grow, establishes Dartmouth chapter

Grassroots activism and patient organizing pay off for anti-poverty organization

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 22, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Early Childhood Education in Nova Scotia - a story of neglect

Vital service not affordable to parents, workers not paid fair wages

» Story: by Moira Donovan

September 17, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Jessica's Story: The fight for trans rights on campus

September 15, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Entrepreneur: Nova Scotia not ready to deal with offshore oil spills

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 4, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Nova Scotia’s ban on fracking: We’ve come a long way. Not there yet.

» Story: by Ken Summers

August 18, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Halifax Hands Up rally is not just about Ferguson, Missouri

» Story: by Robert Devet

August 11, 2014 • Halifax Media Co-op

Making it go away: oilspills, corexit and Nova Scotia's offshore

» Story: by Robert Devet

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