Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Robert DeVet in on Dec 8, 2013 - View profile


Bike Week How-To Webinar

- 3:30pm
Tuesday December 10 2013

Venue: Webinar

» More information

The Ecology Action Centre is offering a free webinar called Bike Week How-To on Tuesday, December 10 at 10:30 am. This webinar is for those who currently take part or would like to take part in organizing Bike Week in their communities. The goal of the webinar is to increase capacity to deliver Bike Week events across Nova Scotia. It aims to:

  • Expand the reach of Bike Week to more NS communities
  • Better coordinate Bike Week across the province
  • Share Bike Week knowledge, best practices and resources
  • Share Bike Week success stories
  • Address implementation issues for experienced and new Bike Week communities

The 1.5 hour webinar will feature brief “Pecha Kucha” presentations from four communities and allow lots of time for questions and discussion.

To register or learn more, contact us. Once registered, webinar access information will be forwarded.

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Topics: Environment
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