posted by
Robert DeVet in
on Jun 8, 2013 -
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Musqudoboit Harbour
Introducing Eastern Shore's Backyard Rainforest
- 9:00pm
Wednesday June 12 2013
Did you know that the islands along the Eastern Shore make up a coastal boreal rain forest? The Nova Scotia Nature Trust does! During the past two summers the Trust carried out scientific studies to build up an ecological profile of the landscapes that lie off the Eastern Shore. It turns out that our group of over 100 islands is home to some of the last untouched boreal forest in Nova Scotia, having grown as many as 130 successive generations of boreal forest since the last Ice Age!
Peter Green, Coastal Coordinator with the Nova Scotia Nature Trust, will describe the Trust's research findings, and discuss the next steps needed to protect this treasure. Peter will illustrate his talk with lots of fascinating slides.
Come and get a glimpse of our unique Eastern Shore Islands Wilderness -- it will change how you look at our islands.
This special event is free (although donations are always gratefully accepted) and everyone is welcome. Bring a student! We'll have refreshments afterward and time to chat with friends.
Organizer:Ph. 902.460.8943
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