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minor children in the risk of removal from Canada and separation from their mother

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I am looking for assistance or an advice of international Human Rights organizations and public opinion.

My children are in the risk of removal from Canada. There is a crying injustice because this decision is related to minor children who supposed to return to Israel without their mother. This decision is related to my minor daughter of 14 years old and my dependent son of 18 years and 5 months old who is still studying in the high school. I am a permanent resident in Canada, and my husband is here. The immigration officer, who made this decision in response to our application for permanent residence of my children from within Canada on humanitarian(!) and compassionate(!) grounds, states that he considered " the best interest of the child", as per definition of this program...He states that my children are able to exist in Israel with support of their older siblings and their father(who, in reality, abused me and my children and refused to pay alimony for them)

...I immigrated to Canada as a permanent resident a year and a half ago. My husband and my two adult children from the previous marriage, who also had a permanent resident status, immigrated with me. Three minor siblings of my older children were also included into our permanent resident application from the beginning of our immigration in 2002, but they did not obtain the visa with us because of absent of the parental consents of my husband's and my ex-spouses.(However, at the moment of our immigration our minor sons were at the age 16, which allowed them to make their own decision and, finally, after our arrival all of them have received their parental consents). My husband and I had the custody rights for our minor children, and they started to study here. My husband and I started to work and study in Canada too. After obtaining their status in Canada both of my older children were forced to return to Israel in order to complete their university studying, which was begun within our prolonged immigration. From what I understand, according to noted above reason, the immigration officer, who made the decision regarding to my minor children, refused our application to sponsor them within Canada. He decided that it will be "the best" for my children to be sponsored outside Canada, which could be imagined by two main scenarios:

1. I should leave Canada and my new family with my minor children and to start to sponsor them from Israel;

2. I should send my minor children to Israel alone at the moment that my older children are finishing their university studying and planning to return to Canada...

If these two options are the highest level of humanity and compassion that the immigration officer can represent, why I should not send my dependent children to Ukraine to complete their school studying? Why not? If the purpose is: to send them outside Canada, it would be more "reasonable" from the mercantile point of view: at least, my aunts, uncles and cousins from Ukraine are working, in contrast to my adult children who are only the students in Israel and can not support their siblings... (of course, I am joking) Finally, one of the options, which the immigration officer represented, is extremely fantastic: to supplicate my previous husband, the father of my children, who demanded me to refuse his alimony in change to his consent, to support my children in Israel. (I am not joking.)

Please, help me to defense my children from their father’s violence! Please, help me to keep integrity of our family!

I asked to appeal the decision in Federal Court, however, in reality I can not afford the lawyer and I am willing to represent my children by myself in this Court. Can I ask for independent monitoring in this case?


Thank you for your time reading my letter.

Sincerely, Anna Bondarev.





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688 words



We hear you.... we have three Canadian citizens, here in our family, that are being forced to leave their own country in order to live as a family. Two under the age of 7.


They are being made to choose between father and spouse... or country.


Canada says that they care about their children.

We have been proven different.


When Canadians have to take in to question their own citizenship... you know something is not right.





A & S


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