Halifax Media Co-op

News from Nova Scotia's Grassroots

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Rural Poverty In Annapolis Valley West

July 1, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Mariana’s Story

Letting the children go

June 23, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Kirk’s Story

Surviving in rural Nova Scotia on $525 a month

June 14, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Elizabeth's story

Struggling (and failing) to make ends meet in rural Nova Scotia

March 23, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Op-ed: Urban solutions to rural problems

March 8, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Op-ed: Bad times are coming to rural Nova Scotia

Dealing with higher food prices, fewer jobs, crumbling infrastructure and austerity

The site for the Halifax local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.