Halifax Media Co-op

News from Nova Scotia's Grassroots

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Robert Devet

October 13, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names

Website explores Mi'kmaw roots in Nova Scotia landscape

» Story: by Robert Devet

October 9, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

“We are at our wits' end”

Mother says son discharged from institution without being offered alternative

» Story: by Robert Devet

October 8, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Think poverty when you vote, group says

» Story: by Robert Devet

October 7, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Making refugee healthcare an election issue

» Story: by Robert Devet

October 1, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Discharge of 84-year old mother from VG Hospital called unsafe

Flood damage pressures contributed to flawed decision, daughter says

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 28, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Lucasville residents have their say at rowdy Community Council meeting

Large commercial horse farm not welcome in African Nova Scotian community

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 24, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Convicted child rapist used to work for Quest Rehabilitation Centre

Parents upset about being kept in the dark

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 23, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Stonewalled: a story with legs

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 20, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Lucasville - Fighting city hall, racism and the smell of horse manure

Gentrification the rural way

» Story: by Robert Devet

September 17, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Community Services commitment to Disabilities Roadmap wavers

Phasing out large institutions no longer an objective

» Story: by Robert Devet

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