Halifax Media Co-op

News from Nova Scotia's Grassroots

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April 12, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Public Forum on US-Venezuela relations

» Video: Watch

March 30, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Taking workers to the cleaners

Airport cleaners speak out about poor working conditions

» Story: by Robert Devet

March 23, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Get paid on Thursday, food bank on Friday

Airport Authority profits from cleaners' low wages, says Union

» Story: by Robert Devet

March 20, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Striking Glace Bay daycare workers ratify new contract

» Story: by Robert Devet

March 19, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Fighting the union tooth and nail

Egg Films locks out 290 technicians

» Story: by Robert Devet

March 17, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Glace Bay daycare workers on strike

Strike is last resort, says Local president

» Story: by Robert Devet

March 14, 2015 • Halifax Media Co-op

Bargaining Associations by any other name

Government, health care unions strike deal

» Story: by Robert Devet

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