The following message was sent to a local Halifax anarchist listserve, with attached photos:
Early this morning a few anarchists dropped a banner from the overpass on Chebucto, at the Armdale Rotary, to mark Prison Justice Day. Today, August 10th, marks the 40th annual Prison Justice Day. We hope that this small gesture might serve to show prisoners, and their supporters on the outside that they are not alone and not forgotten.
We regret that we were insufficiently organized to do more, and believe that Halifax desperately needs to step up its solidarity with prisoners. Conditions in Burnside are abominable, with wait times for trial lagging into Kafkaesque absurdity, basic nutrition requirements going unmet, canteen items of poor quality being sold at grossly inflated prices, shortages of basic goods like paper, lack of programming, and so on.
Ultimately, we believe there is only one solution that will permanently address these problems: the abolition of prisons on one hand, and the abolition of the white supremacist patriarchal capitalist order that extends the logic of the prison throughout society on the other.