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To Gaza with love

Despite JDL presence, Toronto contigent arrives safely in Greece

by Miles Howe

To Gaza with love
To Gaza with love
JDL tough enjoys airport fruitcup
JDL tough enjoys airport fruitcup
Sending off
Sending off
Meir Weinstein
Meir Weinstein
To Gaza...with love?
To Gaza...with love?
But...Why NOT Gaza?
But...Why NOT Gaza?

Members of the Canadian Boat to Gaza (CBG) today flew out of Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Ontario. A press conference was organized, and while the press release garnered the attention of several mainstream media outlets, it also gathered some unwanted attention in the form of Meir Weinstein and the Jewish Defence League (JDL).

The presence of Weinstein, National Director of the JDL, and an assortment of sign-waving protesters, many dressed in black with wrap-around sunglasses, threw airport security into a state of heightened alarm. Numerous standard-armed police officers were on hand, and the concourse was later patrolled by two officers with automatic weapons.

As television media crews began to arrive, airport security briefly lost control of the situation. The distance that had been kept between the two groups dissolved as the JDL protesters wove their way around the police and crossed the airport concourse towards the small group of CBG participants. To their credit, their intimidating presence was only that, and thankfully there was no violence.

The JDL protesters themselves were a strange lot on this day, in contrast to the smiling friends and family of the CBG delegates. Some of the JDL group mumbled continuously, in barely audible tones, about “56 Muslim nations hanging homosexuals,” but when approached, immediately stopped speaking and would not elaborate. Many literally hid behind vague and incoherent signage, and would not speak when directly spoken to.

Others clearly relished the "enforcer" role, maintaining a stoic silence behind flowing grey beards, heavily ringed fingers, and physiques that one could see working the doors of the toughest of Toronto watering holes. All attempts for interviews were directed to Weinstein, who though initially hesitant, was informed by one of his gallery that while she had heard of The Dominion, she didn't know if it was “filled with lies.”

Finally, Weinstein, appearing somewhat tired and defeated with the whole ordeal, allowed himself to be interviewed. For the sake of comparison, we include Sue Breeze's answers as well. Mrs. Breeze is one of the peaceful activists aboard the Canadian Boat to Gaza, which will soon challenge Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza.

Miles Howe: Why are you here today?

Meir Weinstein: There's an organization that's supportive of Hamas that wants to fly from Toronto to the Middle East, and board a boat in an attempt to break the Israeli blockade. Their aim is to de-legitimize the State of Israel, and demonize the State of Israel, and support Hamas. We're here to oppose that.

Sue Breeze: I'm a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and I want this world to be a better place. And when I see injustice, I have to speak out. An injustice to one is an injustice to all.

MH: Isn't the boat in question filled with humanitarian aid? How is that supporting Hamas?

MW: Israel will inspect it, and if that's the case the aid will get in. As long as Hamas' goal is the destruction of Israel, and they continuously fire rockets into Israel, and their charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the killing of Jews, Israel has to inspect what goes in there.

SB: First of all, Hamas is a democratically elected government. And second of all, we're not delivering aid to Hamas. We're delivering aid to the Palestinians. The Palestinians are suffering, not because of Hamas, but because of an illegal, immoral, inhumane blockade. And as long as Gaza is occupied by Israel, Gazans are going to be in trouble. They're going to be suffering.

By us delivering aid to the Palestinians, we're not delivering aid to Hamas. Just as when Israel says they're going after Hamas, they collectively punish Palestinians.

MH: What do you believe is the aim of this group [the CBG] here today?

MW: They would like to see no Jewish State. That is exactly what their aim is. They don't recognize the Jewish claim to the land of Israel. They don't recognize the Bible, as it speaks throughout, from cover to cover.... (In) both the Jewish bible and the Christian bible. They don't recognize any of that...To them Jesus was a Palestinian. He wasn't. He was Jewish. He went to the Temple, which was a Jewish Temple. They don't recognize any Jewish historical claim, or religious claim, to Israel...There's approximately six million Jews living in Israel right now, and..."Never Again."

SB: I would respond first of all with Gandhi, who questioned the need for Jews to have their own country because they all come from another country just like many of us do...rather than colonizing another country where there are people living, and ignore that they exist. So if Israel wishes to be recognized as existing, it must recognize that Palestine exists.

This is all about Zionism. It has nothing to do with Judaism. Most Zionists are Jews, but most Jews are not Zionists. And Zionism is colonialism. And it's based on racism. And it's based on xenophobia. So as long as the powerful in the world...the US, Canada, accept that there's no distinction between Judaism and Zionism, Zionism will exist and it will continue to persecute and oppress Palestinian people.

All the peaceful activists aboard the flight out of Toronto have arrived safely in Athens, and are recovering from jet lag. Meir Weinstein and the JDL are most probably back in Toronto.

 Miles Howe will be reporting regularly to the Halifax Media Co-op from the Canadian Boat to Gaza. Visit Dispatches from the Tahrir for updates.

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914 words


Jewish Defence League (JDL)

The Jewish Defence League (JDL) appear to be quite a bad bunch. Their reputatoin should be disclosed to all media that reports information that they provide.

 According to WIkipedia:



The JDL has been criticized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for presenting a "gross distortion" of the real situation of American Jews. The ADL states that JDL's founder, Meir Kahane, "preached a radical form of Jewish nationalism which reflected racism, violence and political extremism". The ADL says that those attitudes were replicated by Irv Rubin, the successor to Kahane. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has added the JDL to its list of watched hate groups.

In its report, Terrorism 2000/2001, the FBI referred to the JDL as a "violent extremist Jewish organization" and stated that the FBI was responsible for thwarting at least one of its terrorist acts. The National Consortium for the Study of Terror and Responses to Terrorism states that, during the JDL's first two decades of activity, it was an "active terrorist organization." The JDL was specifically referenced by the FBI's Executive Assistant Director Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence, John S. Pistole, in his formal report before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.

At least two of the suspects in the 2010 murder of Said Bourarach appear to have ties to the French chapter of the JDL.

Perhaps you might research before you post

It behooves me how people can so willingly embrace opininons. Perhaps one might interview this Meir Weinstein fellow or attend a JDL meeting as I do understand that they are open to the public before making such pointed and bias comments.  Have you ever bothered to research the entities that these statements were taken?  The Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL are two great examples of ultra-Leftwing Socialist entities who's schema and scope are entirely contradictory to the foundations of both Canada and the United States.  I presume that whomever posted the above knows very little about socio-political ideologies or the difference between the dialectical terminologies of "Left Wing" and "Right Wing"?  To give you a little bit of a pointer, individuals like Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pal Pot and their ideologies are all verious forms of Left Wing Socialism while the staunch defenders of freedom like Winston Churchill and the foundational formers of the US Constitution would be "Right Wing" advocates for everything Canada was founded upon.  I'm guessing the JDL being an outspoken Jewish group for the latter makes them some how bad?  Truly amazed at the collapse of Western Academia and the clear void in journalistic integrity.  SRA

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Israel is the land of the Jews as sanctioned by International law, and besides, their koran does not mention “Jerusalem” once but the Torah mentions Jerusalem 823 times.  There are 56 conquered ISLAMIC STATES in the world today.  All of them are oppressive and intolerant.  NOT ONE is a democracy... and yes, They reign supreme as colonizers, aggressors and terrorists. ...

A question for Miles Howe...

Why do imams say this prayer in MOST mosques around the world?? "Oh Allah, give victory to Muslims and Islam...Oh Allah, give defeat to the Kufaar and Mushriqeen"


It’s not about. “land”. or. “water” ..or.. “oil” –- it’s about JIHAD


Don't believe me? ask the Muslim Brotherhood http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=4476

•Adopting the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as a keystone in the plan for

* global * Islamic * domination *;

•Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them;

•Actively creating jihad terror cells within Palestine;

•Linking the terrorist activities in Palestine with the global terror movement


Congratulations to those Jews (JDL)

It is very nice to see some sanity however ignorantly and extremely bias in the portrayal within this article.  I highly doubt the JDL would hide and the signage is anything but incoherant, perhaps only to the obtuse. The fact that this boat represents none of what Canada is or was founded on never seems to enter the equation a being full of ultra-leftwing radicals and islamic extremists who are engaging in truly treasonous, fool hearty and intentionally provocative ventures. I seriously doubt any are actually read on this subject or any of its associating subjects. Had they, this boat would be filled to the rafters with goods and petitions to free the Zabaleen Coptic Christians in Egypt; the Maronite in Lebanon or the Armenian in Turkey.  They would know that all these lands inclusive of Gaza and Judea and Samaria; now sold to the illiterate dumbed down dopes as "The West Bank", are actually mandated and recognized under International Law as Israel's.  Of course to these indoctrinated extremists fact means nothing only blindly following socio-political schema and radical intellectually defunct theory.  Personally, I'd like to know why there is such an agenda to distance the Jew: Judean from their historical lands of Judea/Israel and fabricate such a distorted association of Arabians; again sold to the dupes as "Palestinians" to a "West Bank" in "Palestine"?  Of course any Western child that celebrates Christmas or any Muslim who actually reads the Qur'an knows there is no such thing as a "Palestinian".  There are none mentioned in the Bible, new or old.  There are none mentioned within the Qur'an; funny neither is Jerusalem for that matter.  Mark Twain didn't see any when he toured the Holy Land in 1866 and none mentioned by the UN in 1947.  Therefore it is not surprizing that Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad, Mark Twain or numerous UN officials from the area never knew any either.  Very logical considering neither the region of "Palaestina", from Hadrianic Roman antiquity, nor the region of "Palestine", under the League of Nations British Mandate, were ever countries, states or nations.  Ergo, to any individual with neurons firing above the shoulders, there cannot be any "nationality" as one must be a nation or a people to beging with.  Clearly the so-called "Palestinians" are nothing of the sort.   I am one Canadian that hopes this vile project of intentional political provocation is sunk by Israel, Canada, US or the Dutch or the Muslim Terrorists themselves.  This episode is nothing more than a stain on Canada and directly reflective of Canada's "progressively" decaying societal atrophy.   Terrible!  SRA

Who suffers most in Gaza?

The one person suffering in Gaza more than anyone else is Gilad Shalit.  No one in Gaza suffers as much as he does. Why isn't the flotilla bringing any aid to him and demanding that Hamas give it to him?

Oh, The Bible...

You Biblical cherry pickers make me laugh. Most of sane world realizes that the Old Testament was written hundreds of years after any of the stories in it ever may have happened. Do you believe that Jonah was swallowed by a whale? Really, really? Do you believe that a burning bush just up and spoke to Moses? Or maybe he had sunstroke? Do you believe that Noah was like 500 years old, or that Abraham and his wife had a child at 100? If you do, then I really don't have anything to say to you. And did you know, also, that David and Solomon, the greatest of Jewish kings, if they did ever exist, took a whole bunch of wives that weren't even of precious Jewish blood? It says that too.

And don't worry, I'm a Jew too! My grandmother converted from Roman Catholicism because her stupid religion wouldn't let her be a single mother after her husband beat on her. So she married a cool Jew. My point is, I'm comfortable with the fact that I'm a mutt, as the harsh kids at Talmud Torah would repeatedly let me know. I got Bar-Mitzva-ed and still put on my Papi's Talis and T'filim from time to time. You pur laine types who think you can trace your heritage all the way back to Old Testament times should really get your heads examined. Scattered tribes of Israel? I doubt it. Most of you guys are also the products of conversion, just spouting off about how you want us to die because we're willing to admit that Zionism is Colonialism under a different name, while you chalk this up to some kind of Islam versus Plucky Israel BS.

And I'm not surprised that you haters all come from Canada or the US. Our own colonial myths just go so perfectly with Zionism...the Natives (be they Mi'gmaw or Palestinians) weren't there, or they weren't smart enough, or they were savages, or they could never have built it up like we did. Please. Justify Canada and all it stands for if you like. I won't, and I was born here, and I'm as Canadian as you. Too bad.

And when I get there, I'll ask real nicely if I can bring Gilad Shalit back with me. He can even have my spot on the return trip and I'll wait for the next flotilla.

Peace. Salam. Shalom.


Proof positive.

Thank you Miles for being the proof positive to my earlier comments. A product of an entirely failed Academia, dumbing down and politically correct relativism. I do hope you choose to remain in Gaza with your newly found friends as a Canadian you are free to move.  Perhaps you can actually convert to Islam if you'd so choose since you show such disdain and contempt for Western culture, heritage and your entirely thrown off faith.  Since you've insulted the Bible, you've also insulted those whom you show so much connection with as well as their beliefs; Islam is entirely predicated on what you've just attacked.  Let me ask you, what is Zionism?  What form of Zionism do you object to?  If you find it so insulting that Jews: Judeans actually wish to live in their lands of Judea: Israel how can you find so much admiration to, and for, those that profess to a form of Zionism that demands the entire World, not just a tiny sliver of land, to be "submitted" to their own and those whom profess to their beliefs?  You do realize that, as a "dhimmi" or "kufr" living within any Islamic land should you ever openly disagree with any of the Islamic values or views you'd probably be found a week later either hung, stoned or shot in the head?  I'm guessing freedom and democracy are concepts you have no appreciation for?  Do you ever wonder how Islam spread from Asia to Spain?  Ever wonder what happened to the earlier Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddhists?  I'm guessing that you find it absolutely acceptable for Muslims to hold over 50, once non-Islamic, lands and object to the Judean's having 1, that is less then 1:100th of the size of the aforementioned?  I'm guessing that you too are against the Spanish and Portugese "Reqonquista"?  I am guessing that you are against the Greeks, Romanians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians and Cypriots, to name a few, to reclaim their lands, cultures, faiths and heritage back from Islamic submission?  I wonder if you'd be for or against the Zebaleen Christians living as cattle in Egypt or the black Christians being massacred in the Sudanese "civil wars"?  I'm guessing too by your ignorance and total lack of any moral compass you'd be on the Turks side with the genecide of the Armenian Christians?  "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."  - Qur'an 5:51  SRA

What is Judaism?

"Judaism is an eternal and unyielding moral code, enforced by a strict but loving God who demands justice. And at its beating heart lies Israel." -- By Stella Paul

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