Halifax Media Co-op

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Snow Day! 700 Students March in Halifax

by Moira Peters

150 marched from the citidel toward Victoria park.
650 more joined from Dalhousie.
700 at Victoria Park.

Seven hundred students are gathered at Victoria Square in Halifax, in protest of the Nova Scotia government's cuts to education and its support for the "O'Neill Report," which supports the amalgamation of universities, raising tuition and the general privatization of post-secondary education in the province.

The crowd plans to march to legislature. Their route is unknown to police, according to an officer at the protest.

Yesterday the government announced it will support up to three per cent tuition hikes. Nova Scotia undergraduates pay third-highest tuition in Canada. Graduates pay the most. NS students have higher debt-loads than any students in the country.

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Topics: Education
102 words


yesterday's numbers

CBC estimated 500 were on the streets. Just after Dal/SMU joined the rally at Victoria Park, I counted 700. Another HMC journalist estimated 1,000. At the height of the march, when it was moving down Barrington, it seems there were at least 1,000 -- one rally-savvy source who took an arial photo of the entire thing from a building-top estimated 1,500-2,000.

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