Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Miles Howe on févr. 18, 2012 - View profile


A Wind Blows from the East (Coast): The 1970s New Communist Movement in Halifax

An Interview with Herb Gamberg and Tony Thomson

- 9:00pm
Jeudi Mars 1 2012

Venue: Room 1020 Kenneth Rowe Building (beside the SUB)
Address: Dalhousie University, 6100 University Avenue

co-sponsored by NSPIRG

The 1970s are usually passed over as the decade in which the social and political upheavals of the 1960s New Left were overwhelmed by a conservative tide. What is forgotten is that the 1970s were also a time of tremendous growth on the Left, most notably in the New Communist Movement. In Quebec thousands of members joined groups intent on forming a new national Communist party. In cities like Halifax and Vancouver activists formed smaller collectives in an effort to “get serious” about their Leftism. The period marked a reconsideration of Marxism and working class politics on a scale that has not been seen since.
What is the legacy of this movement today? Why did it emerge and what lead to its stunning decline in the early 1980s? As activist prepare for the next phase of Occupy is there anything to learn from this experience?

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151 words

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