Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Robert DeVet on nov. 10, 2015 - View profile


Rally for Equality - Why are blind Nova Scotians treated differently?

11:30ampm-abbreviation am
- 1:30pm
Jeudi Novembre 12 2015

Venue: Grand Parade / Province House

» More information

Nova Scotians who have lost their sight due to injury or disease are
relying on charitable dollars to receive essential rehabilitation -
specialized services and programs that enable them to remain
independent, healthy and active, in their homes and communities.

When a Nova Scotian requires rehabilitation for reasons other than
vision loss - as a result of a stroke, a brain injury, hearing loss or
an amputation, for example - rehabilitative services, such as
physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and the support of an audiologist
or social worker are provided within our health care system.

The NS Department of Health provides $175,000 annually to CNIB (17 per
cent of the cost) to deliver vision rehabilitation therapy in Nova
Scotia. CNIB is simply not able to generate sufficient revenue to
subsidize rehabilitation for Nova Scotians - nor should it have to.

The availability of rehabilitation should not be dependent upon a
charity's capacity to generate donations.

We need your help to urge the government of Nova Scotia to provide
sufficient, sustainable funding for vision rehabilitation therapy.

Please join us for the Rally for Equality taking place on
Thursday, November 12:

11:30 a.m. Meet at Grand Parade Square in front of City Hall.

12:15 p.m. March to the NS Legislature (Province House).

12:15-1:30 p.m. Rally at the NS Legislature.

For more information or to confirm your participation, please call
CNIB at (902) 453-1480 ext. 0 - or visit our event page on Facebook:

If you are unable to attend, please help us raise awareness and
encourage your friends to attend.

Thank you!

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