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max haiven on avr. 14, 2015 -
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The Future of Precarious Work: A Workshop on Art, Labour and Activism with Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge (Mayworks Festival)
- 8:00pm
Mardi Mai 12 2015
Venue: The Khyber Centre for the Arts
Address: 5521 Cornwallis St.
Cost: Free (pre-registration required)
Accessibility: Accessible
The Future of Precarious Work:
A Workshop on Art, Labour and Activism
with Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge – May 12, 6-8pm
The Kyhber Centre for the Arts
(Interim location, 5521 Cornwallis St.)

This workshop will offer participants an opportunity to work with renowned activist artists Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge on strategies for using art to understand and confront the growth of precarious work (i.e. temporary, part-time, casualized, insecure). It will begin with a discussion of the nature of precarious work in today’s capitalist economy and it’s effect on the arts and continue into a conversation about forms of resistance. Then there will be an opportunity to put our creativity to work. No artistic or activist experience is required.
Please pre-register. Limited to 15 participants.
Presenting Partners:
Art + Activism at NSCAD,
Khyber Centre for the Arts
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