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Public Meeting: Israel-Palestine: Occupation, Settlements & Peace on the Ground

"What Stephen Harper Won't Talk About"

- 1:30pm
Dimanche Février 23 2014

Venue: Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax
Address: 5500 Inglis Street

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Presenters: Profs. Judy & Larry Haiven (Independent Jewish Voices Canada), Linda Scherzinger (United Church of Canada)


Description: Jewish-only settlements established by Israel on Palestinian land in the West Bank have become a flashpoint as major obstacles to peace in the region. Two presentations on the issue will present "life as it is like on the ground" from personal voyages, and discuss paths to lasting peace. Drs. Larry and Judy Haiven are members of Independent Jewish Voices Canada, a national human rights organization whose mandate is to promote a just resolution to the dispute in Israel and Palestine through the application of international law and respect for the human rights. Linda Scherzinger is with the United Church of Canada, the largest Protestant church in the country, which has identified settlements as the main obstacle to a true, lasting peace and supports a boycott of settlement products as a means towards ending the occupation and supporting a just peace for all parties. An open, respectful discussion will be held after the presentation.

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