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posted by Steve Caines in on Mai 17, 2009 - View profile

Mobilization for Climate Justice

Lundi Novembre 30 2009 (Toute la journée)

Cost: no cost

A campaign to build mass protests across North America demanding climate justice. The main day of actions will be on November 30, 2009 (10th anniversary of the Seattle protests against the WTO).

The Mobilization for Climate Justice coalition (sponsored by, among other groups, the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Institute for Social Ecology) has adopted the following statement of its basic aims:

"1) To build a global movement for climate justice that encourages urgent action to avoid catastrophic climate change, and which addresses the root social, ecological, political and economic causes of the climate crisis toward a total systemic transformation of our society.

"2) To promote and strengthen the rights and voices of Indigenous and other affected peoples, (including workers in energy-intensive industries) in climate mitigation and adaptation strategies.

"3) To expose the consequences of false and market-based climate "solutions" as well as corporate domination of climate negotiations, while advancing alternatives that can provide real and just solutions and which protect biodiversity."

More generally, M4CJ describes itself as "a North America-based network of organizations and activists who have joined together to build a North American climate justice movement that emphasizes non-violent direct action and public education to mobilize for effective and just solutions to the climate crisis."

Please check out the web site: http://www.actforclimatejustice.org


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Topics: Environment
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