Calling all Community Members, Singers, Dancers, Youth Groups, Student Councils, Chief and Councils, and all Aboriginal people of Mi'kma'ki to join together in Solidarity and have a peaceful protest in Halifax and Sydney on Friday, December 14th at 1pm!! We have to act now! For our children and their children!! Our voices are stronger as one. Event is open to everyone: Aboriginal as well as our non-Aboriginal friends and allies. (
Halifax Location: We will start at St Mary's Basilica Church (
Sydney Location: The Protest will be held at 15 Dorchester Street, Sydney (Federal Government Building) at 1 pm!
Bring Your Signs And Flags.. Bill C-45 Affects Us All As Mi'kmaqs. OUR RIGHTS!! OUR TREATIES!!
***Night Before Halifax Rally***
***Thursday December 13th, from 7-9 pm there will be an information/education session held at the Friendship Center.
This will be an open mic, grassroots gathering/event to have discussions about the issues surrounding the legislative of Harper's Termination Plan and how it would affect Treaty Rights.
We will have an opportunity to meet, exchange skills, ideas, co-ordinate, create signage, banners, speeches etc.
Patti Doyle-Bedwell will be on hand to help with any questions the community members may have.
***All are welcome.Youth, Drummers, Dancers, Pipe Carriers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Students, Elders, Teachers, Speakers, Lawyers, Leaders- Everyone who is willing to share information to raise the awareness is encouraged to attend. Bring your medicines.
Please share this on your page. We look forward to seeing you there.
If I have overlooked anything, let us know so it can be included on this description.
All Volunteers are most welcome!!!! :)
Light Refreshments are Optional :)
The site for the Halifax local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.