Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Hillary in on mars 12, 2009 - View profile

FILM: To See if I'm Smiling

Six female former soldiers reveal the pshychological scars of serving in

Jeudi Mars 19 2009

Venue: Weldon Law Building, Dalhousie University
Address: 6061 University Avenue, Room 204
Cost: free

Israel is the only country in the world where 18-year-old girls are
drafted for compulsory military service. In this award-winning
documentary, the frank testimonials of six ... The psychological
transformation that these young women underwent as a result of
military service is both upsetting and riveting. The culture of war
transforms people: personalities change, moral codes are subverted,
values are supplanted and masks are constructed to dull the pain of
what they did and didn't do in uniform. At a time when women in the
military are increasingly on the frontlines, and the actions of
soldiers all over the world are being questioned, this powerful film
explores the ways that gender, ethics and moral responsibility
intersect during war. [Description taken from Women Make Movies]

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Topics: Peace/War
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