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Dalhousie Faculty Strike

Interview with Dalhousie Faculty members Isaac Saney and Marjorie Stone

by Asaf Rashid

This interview took place on Monday, March 6th, approximately one week from the date of a likely faculty strike. Isaac Saney and Marjorie Stone are both members of the Dalhousie Faculty Association's communications team. In our conversation, we get into a number of issues related to the negotiations themselves. We also discuss how the kind of concessions the Administration is trying to force on the faculty are a microcosm of the politics of an increasingly corporate university system during times of austerity, and how the Administration is using a "tough times" line to justify extreme demands at the bargaining table. Both Stone and Saney emphasized the importance of students' interests and how they can be political agents in this struggle. As well, we get into the important subject of solidarity between various groups of workers on campus; one other bargaining unit is getting close to a strike position and another is likely on its way.

From the Margins: http://fromthemargins.h-a-z.org

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