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Anti-Shale action at Roger Augustine's Fishermen's Pow Wow catches big haul

AFN Chief Shawn Atleo promises July 1st visit to sacred fire encampment

by Miles Howe

Grassroots women address Premier David Alward. [Photo: Miles Howe]
Grassroots women address Premier David Alward. [Photo: Miles Howe]
AFN Regional chief speaks to grassroots women. [Photo: Miles Howe]
AFN Regional chief speaks to grassroots women. [Photo: Miles Howe]
AFN Chief Shawn Atleo speaks to Elsipogtog Chief Aaren Sock on the phone, and promises a July 1st meeting [Photo: Miles Howe]
AFN Chief Shawn Atleo speaks to Elsipogtog Chief Aaren Sock on the phone, and promises a July 1st meeting [Photo: Miles Howe]

MIRAMICHI, NEW BRUNSWICK - Roger Augustine's 'Fishermen's Pow Wow' is a weekend celebration that attracts, among others, the who's who A-list of Indian Act chiefs and New Brunswick provincial politicians. With anti-shale gas actions continuing about an hour's drive to the south - at the sacred fire encampment in Elsipogtog First Nation - the Fishermen's Pow Wow was a perfect opportunity to stage an action to grab the attention of the local political movers and shakers. 

As host, Roger Augustine, Regional Chief for First Nations communities in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, was slated to be there. As was National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations, Shawn Atleo. As was provincial Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development - and premier of New Brunswick - David Alward.
The action, which initially involved about 20 grassroots women holding anti-shale gas placards - some standing, some in prayer - quickly attracted the attention of the Miramichi police and security services, who began to gather outside the banquet hall.
The audio you will hear first starts with myself, Charles LeBlanc and Madonna Bernard, speaking with Roger Augustine. We spoke to Augustine in the back parking lot of the hall, right after he parked his SUV. We encouraged him not to enter the banquet hall by the back entrance, but instead address the women that had gathered outside the front door.
You'll then hear Augustine addressing the crowd, followed by premier Alward and finally by AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo. You'll also hear Atleo talking on the telephone with Elsipogtog chief Aaren Sock, and then with St. Mary's chiefs Candace Paul.
Of note, AFN National Chief Shawn Atleo promises to pay a visit to Chief Aaren Sock at the sacred fire encampment on July 1st.
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292 words
bar baz


thanks for this Miles, and

thanks for this Miles, and great pics!


This is a beautiful piece of journalism capturing an incredible conversation. Worth every second of the 25 minutes.

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