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posted by Robert DeVet in on Jul 7, 2014 - View profile


Halifax Rad Pride Presents: Resistance to the Neoliberal Queer with Gary Kinsman

- 9:00pm
Thursday July 24 2014

Venue: Dalhousie Student Union Building, Room 303

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What do neoliberalism, homonormativity, and homonationalism mean? Why are they important concepts for queers to understand, and how do we build movements and demand rights for our communities while resisting assimilation? Sociologist and queer activist Gary Kinsman will open with a presentation on these ideas, how can we connect these terms to our everyday lives, and what is to be done about the ways in which our bodies and relationships are commodified. 

We'll follow up with an open discussion inspired by the following questions:

** How did the radical gay liberation movement get transformed into what is now often a movement for a white middle class respectability? 

** How has this transition taken place in Halifax? 

** How is homonationalism related to class, gender and racialized stuggles in our communities? 

** What are the limitations of human rights approaches, and the obstacles of alliances with corporations and state agencies, for those of use seeking gender and sexual liberation?

** How can we re-ignite a radical movement for sexual and gender liberation? 

Come ready to discuss! Snacks will be provided.

ACCESSIBILITY: The SUB has automatic doors and an elevator, and the 3rd floor has two gender-neutral, wheelchair-accessible washrooms. Please contact radpridehalifax@gmail.com if you have specific accessibility questions or needs!

Gary Kinsman is a long-time queer liberation, anti-poverty and anticapitalist activist. He has been involved in Gay Liberation Against the Right Everywhere, the Rites magazine collective, AIDS ACTION NOW!, the Newfoundland AIDS Association, the Valley AIDS Concern Group, and most recently the Sudbury Colaition Against Poverty, and the Palestine Solidarity Working Group. He the author of The Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities, co-author (with Patrizia Gentile) of The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation, and editor of Whose National Security? and of Sociology for Changing the World. He is currently working on a new book project called The Making of the Neo-Liberal Queer.


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