Halifax Media Co-op

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We Won't Pay For Their Crisis!

Capitalism - Meltdown - Collapse

Thursday May 21 2009

Venue: Roberts Street Social Centre
Address: 5684 Roberts Street
Cost: Free

Presented by the NSPIRG Resist Atlantica! campaign

The food crisis of 2008. climate chaos. the debt crisis of the 1980s. Peak oil, the nuclear goliath, and the energy crisis of the 21st century. The social crisis that is neoliberal globalization.

The media often constructs images of the 'economic crisis', without providing the important context of previous crises throughout the last century that play important roles in the shaping of the current failure of global capitalism.

The modern-day financial meltdown has its roots in overaccumulation, financialization and global apartheid. It is fundamentally a failed logic that exists within an ecology, an environment, and a biosphere which cannot sustain it.

This workshop will highlight the root causes of current meltdown and collapse. The discussion will offer a space for participatory dialogue on anti-capitalist and anti-oppression approaches to system collapse, and for strategizing into the future.

For more information:

Organizer:parker@resist.ca, 488-6071

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