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posted by Steve Caines in on Mar 22, 2009 - View profile


Public talk: "To be a bee or not to be"

Threats to pollinators and consequences in Nova Scotia

Monday April 6 2009

Venue: auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History
Address: 1747 Summer Street, Halifax

The next meeting of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, 6th April 2009 in the auditorium of the Nova Scotia Museum of Natural History, 1747 Summer Street, Halifax.

The speaker is Richard E.L. "Dick" Rogers, Wildwood Labs Inc, Kentville, NS. Mr. Roger's lecture topic is: To be a bee or not to be - threats to pollinators and consequences in Nova Scotia

Abstract: Pollinators have received a great deal of attention over the past decade or more because of what appears to be declining abundance and diversity of insects and animals that pollinate wild and cultivated plants. Most recently, the increased mortality of honey bee colonies has grabbed the attention of the media, politicians, scientists, and the public. Since honey bees are the most important managed pollinators, the apparent devastation they are suffering is a real concern. Since 2001 Mr. Rogers has been investigating the threats to honey bee health and he will present a
brief overview of the history of bee losses, describe many of the factors that are currently affecting honey bees, describe a few of the ways we can help the bees, and provide a pollination prediction for Nova Scotia.

Organizer:For further information, please contact David Richardson at nsis@chebucto.ns.ca

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