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How It went Down: On board the Tahrir

by Miles Howe

Giving the Tahrir time.
Michael Coleman and Soha Kneen. Kayak Specialists
Coleman and Kneen
Getting buoyed
Tahrir gets out to sea
Zodiac pursuit comes fast
Filmmaker Santiago, as the Greek cutter approaches
The cutter pulls ahead, Tahrir sails for Palestine
Readying the water cannon
Hatching the boarding plan
Gaza or Bust
How It went Down: On board the Tahrir
Readying the water cannon
Turn her on!
Meanwhile, Demir is always in a good mood
Impotent water cannon
The man with the moustache. He's in charge.
Keeping watch
In a flash it was done
And then they were sorry
He gave me a gyro later, and told me the only time he ever used violence was against a drug dealer
Also sorry
Not really threatening
Cutter can't tow the Tahrir, but Palestine Rocks!
And then the tug arrived
Throwing the ropes
Can't say we didn't try
Sue Breeze - Righteous back at port
People of Agios Nikolaos
Look Right, Kate Wilson is righteous too
Get the medicine off, there's a diesel leak
Bob Lovelace hauls the meds
Get off! The boat is sinking! And nobody moved.
Power was cut, a MOSSAD ship was snooping in the waters, and then the people watched over the Tahrir.
And they stayed up all night

Through it all--and by "all" I mean getting boarded by the Greek Special Forces on the high seas as the Tahrir attempted to leave Agios Nikolaos bound for Gaza--I was struck by the humanity of the Greek Special Forces. These were the same men who had been sitting at the marina, under an umbrella, cracking jokes with us for days.

When the shit hit the fan, sure, they didn't suddenly see the humanity of our mission, put down their guns, place flowers in their hair and escort us to Gaza. It's easy to say that they were the enemy. Period. Perhaps harder is to appreciate that the Tahrir was loaded with people, many of them senior citizens. No one was beaten. No one was tasered. No one was tear gassed. And yes, they did try to soak us with a water cannon. And yes, they did seize our boat with M-16s. But, to paraphrase the motto of this Freedom Flotilla II campaign; they Stayed Human.

I was also struck by the power of peaceful activism. In an extremely tense situation, not a hand was raised. Barely an oath was uttered, even though a year of work, for some, was ending eight nautical miles from shore. Palestine was on the mind, and the general mood was of anger, but a slow-burn anger, tempered by peace and calm, which will not extinguish itself with one simple act of piracy.

The Greeks broke the Tahrir's diesel tanks when they rammed her into port, but already the steering committee is planning and mulling over the next Freedom Flotilla.

I'm sorry that we're not sailing to Gaza right now. And I'm sorry that Peaceful Waters Trading Co. ends for the moment in Agios Nikolaos. But as Bob Lovelace says, "Keep the long view." While we are not the end of the road, we are still a brick in the path.

And before somebody adds some stupid comment to this, letting the world know how some guy with a supposedly fearsome Middle-Eastern name from Hamas is ostensibly behind the whole Freedom Flotilla II, I would ask you to remember three things.

First, the Israeli PR spin machine took huge hits during this campaign. From charges of chemical weapons, to 'no gays allowed', to harbouring terrorists in our midst, time and again these allegations were debased as false. In some cases, the lunacy of the charges was even admitted to by Israeli members of parliament themselves.

Second, the world got to see the outsourcing of Israeli and American foreign policy onto Greece. That in itself is valuable information, and Demir has already invited the Flotilla movement to his Turkish house for next year.

Third, and more important, this movement is not about government-to-government. This was always about person-to-person, and will continue until Palestine is free.

Around my dinner table, at the end of a rousing Passover seder, we all used to toast and say "Next Year in Jerusalem!" That's all well and good, but next year in Gaza. If not sooner.

Miles will be reporting regularly to the Halifax Media Co-op from the Canadian Boat to Gaza. Visit Dispatches from the Tahrir for updates.

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528 words


Thank you!

Thank you!

Tremendous effort.  None of

Tremendous effort.  None of you can be faulted for not reaching the objective  ... this time.

Staying Human

Thanks for your insightful reportage and the humanity of your mission.  Just know that there are many of us watching and hoping for peace and freedom for the Palestinian people.

Thank you Greece for keeping

Thank you Greece for keeping these troublemaking losers from going to Israel. The kayakers and Sandra broke laws and then lied in court about it. These are the people that think they are setting the example. And then they spin everything. Most Canadians and Americans stand behind Israel.

Of course by "going to

Of course by "going to Israel" you mean "going to Gaza" which isn't quite the same thing.

hay bud

Right on man.Theydon't speak for me either .Bunch of self promoting jew haters.

Hey Anonymous in Halifax. I'm

Hey Anonymous in Halifax. I'm I can tell you don't approve of this work but don't claim that you know the sentiment of "most" Canadians and Americans because of that. Speak for yourself!

Thanks for the report back. I think it's great that yall are trying to support the palestinian people. I'm sure lots and lots of blood, sweat and tears has gone into this. The part that I have a harder time with is the tactic. It seems very symbolic. Which seems funny since I would think most of yall actually want to support the folks in Gaza. It also seems very dependent on Greece, Israel and other states to let you do your thing which, from what I can tell, is completely not in their interest. How do you see this being successful?



The movement this time was very dependent on Greece, as Greece has never been such an outsource of Israeli foreign policy as it is now. In the past Flotilla boats have left Greece, so organizers figured it would be a safe port to leave from. Not so with the new political climate. But you have to leave from somewhere, right? And its not quite over yet anyways.

I think the tactic, in terms of the amount of aid, is symbolic. In terms of challenging an illegal blockade and being a peaceful frontline against that, I don't see that as being symbolic at all. That is quite real. This movement has never been dependent on Israel to let us 'do our thing'. The movement is not asking for Israel's approval, because it doesn't acknowledge Israel's blockade as legal. It is independent of Israel's approval, and it will just keep coming.

In terms of success, I guess we can count it as a success because now many more people around Canada, and around the world, are talking about this. And even though Zionist trolling is big business and can lead some to believe that the majority are talking negatively about it, I don't think this is the case. It is only a matter of time before we acknowledge that our own colonial history is a replica of what we are watching happen in Palestine, and the sooner we come to terms with the one, we can come to terms with the other.

So if the aid didn't get to Gaza, and if Gaza is still illegally blockaded, we did as much as we could. Right now in Greece the coast guard is parked right on the Tahrir's butt in the marina, has been for days, and they're just waiting for us to try again.

But if more people question the blockade and don't just accept it, and if some of those people question it enough and begin to act on it, then that, in my mind, is a success for the movement.


Yeah, I guess with a handful of boats, it is not that hard for Greece to stop them all.  With a much bigger flotilla of boats, maybe it would not be so easy...  if this movement came fire, became about Greece's sovereignty as well...  having become a popular movement, it would be more than just a symbolic effort... not to say this was only a symbolic effort, but the balance of power and forces was not on the freedom flotilla II's side   ... the memory of single man standing in front of  a tank in the tianamen square incident some time ago, makes me think of how the actions of  few brave people... without the physical power to -force- success... can win people's hearts and minds, and bring empires to the brink of toppling.

I am very proud of all of you.  You're the nicest terrorists Israel has had to face yet lol ;P  Maybe when people see the kind of people Israel et al labels as terrorists, it will encourage people to have a change of heart about whose side they support, and what they are so willing to easily believe, or not.

No physical sword was raised, but the sword of truth cut true, and the bonds of slavery and deception, having been severed, may have results still long down the road.  People have realized they are on a crossroads, about the path they want to follow, and the kind of human being they want to be... those that walk a new path now in their hearts, may soon find the strength to walk a new path and make more difficult choices in this world is well... especially if we continue to find ways to support all of those who will make the hard choices to do the right thing.


Thank you for doing this.  For loving yourselves, staying in truth, and fighting with love.




Michael Goguen


Yeah, I guess with a handful of boats, it is not that hard for Greece to stop them all.  With a much bigger flotilla of boats, maybe it would not be so easy...  if this movement came fire, became about Greece's sovereignty as well...  having become a popular movement, it would be more than just a symbolic effort... not to say this was only a symbolic effort, but the balance of power and forces was not on the freedom flotilla II's side   ... the memory of single man standing in front of  a tank in the tianamen square incident some time ago, makes me think of how the actions of  few brave people... without the physical power to -force- success... can win people's hearts and minds, and bring empires to the brink of toppling.

I am very proud of all of you.  You're the nicest terrorists Israel has had to face yet lol ;P  Maybe when people see the kind of people Israel et al labels as terrorists, it will encourage people to have a change of heart about whose side they support, and what they are so willing to easily believe, or not.

No physical sword was raised, but the sword of truth cut true, and the bonds of slavery and deception, having been severed, may have results still long down the road.  People have realized they are on a crossroads, about the path they want to follow, and the kind of human being they want to be... those that walk a new path now in their hearts, may soon find the strength to walk a new path and make more difficult choices in this world is well... especially if we continue to find ways to support all of those who will make the hard choices to do the right thing.


Thank you for doing this.  For loving yourselves, staying in truth, and fighting with love.




Michael Goguen


To Miles, and everyone else involved in "Peace Flotilla II - Stay Human",

You have increased the world's awareness of the suffering of so many people in Gaza, and have undoubtedly increased the pressure on Israel to ease up, and eventually do away with the blockade on Gaza.

Thank you!

Everett, Halifax

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