Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Moira Peters in on Nov 2, 2010 - View profile


Halifax's New Convention Centre: Does it make Dollars & Sense?

Free public presentation with renowned convention centre expert

Monday November 8 2010

Venue: Saint Mary's Sobey School of Business
Address: 923 Robie St
Cost: free

Dr. Heywood Sanders

consider questions you have about  the proposed convention centre promises. 
Is there a business case?  
Will it revitalize the downtown?  
What are the impacts? 
Halifax: Monday, November 8th, 7:00- 9:00 pm, 
Saint Mary's Sobey School of Business, 923 Robie St
Followed by Q & A
Dr. Heywood Sanders holds a PhD in government from Harvard University, is a professor of public administration at the University of Texas at San Antonio and has taught at Brown University, the University of Illinois, and Trinity University.  His research looks at urban politics and development, and includes the 2005 Brookings Institution study of convention centers, "Space Available."  Dr. Sanders is currently completing a book on convention center development and politics..
Hosted by: Coalition to End Poverty for Nova Scotia * Council of Canadians-Inverness Chapter * Council of Canadians-South Shore Chapter * Ecology Action Centre * Facebook Group-Save the View from Citadel Hill * Friends of the Halifax Common * Halifax & Area Ratepayers Association * Nova Scotia Heritage Trust * Nova Scotia Public Interest Research Group * Peninsula South Neighbourhood Association * Sierra Club of Canada-Atlantic Chapter * see www.savetheview.ca

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175 words



As a proud member of the WORKING POOR, having watched, for over 50 years the stay-in-power machinations of outright IM-moral and many more A-moral greedy trougher politicians of every hue, in federal, provincial, and local forums, I want to use as much of my talents and energies as possible in the fight for OUR trampled and perverted rights.  

I have suffered the unwarranted attacks of  «Revenue Canada», UIC, and Workers' Compensation where at the stroke of a political pen, thousands of innocent people (myself included) can be financially ruined and criminalized while the real criminals bask in the high life as lush beneficiaries of these agencies' ever-mutating «benefits» and «regulations».  ILLEGAL today; «enlightened policy» tomorrow.


With regard to the so called «Convention Centre» we ought to remember that for a MEASLY 2-MILLION (which it cost us ANYWAY to back out!)  Yarmouth and the entire south end of the province was hung out to dry with the destruction of the last sensible transportation link left.  The EXCUSE was a need to be «fiscally responsible» and yet these same people now propose to dump a HALF-BILLION supposedly scarce tax dollars into the laps of a cabal of politically-connected parasites (so-called: consultants; developers; promoters; etc...) whose sole raison d'être is to bleed the Public Purse.   Already the trougher legions are crying FOUL at the top of their lungs as the TRUTH slowly leaks out.  God grant that the leak flows fast and far enough to avoid an unmitigated disaster!!!!!


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