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posted by Robert DeVet in on Nov 17, 2013 - View profile


Climate Change and Energy in Atlantic Canada

with Dr David Suzuki

- 10:00pm
Friday November 22 2013

Venue: Spatz Theatre

Dr. David Suzuki will be speaking across Atlantic Canada to raise money for local environmental groups and promote dialogue on climate change and energy issues across the region.  (See schedule below) In Halifax, Ecology Action Centre will be the beneficiary.  The event will include a film premiere of “Climate Change in Atlantic Canada”, a compelling documentary that tells the story of the impacts of climate change in our Atlantic communities, followed by a panel discussion with Dr. David Suzuki, filmmaker and Professor Dr. Ian Mauro, and local and national experts.

All funds raised from the event will be donated to the Ecology Action Centre

Tickets available on line here:


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Topics: Environment
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