Halifax Media Co-op

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posted by Natascia Lypny on Jan 17, 2013 - View profile


HRM on the Move

- 6:00pm
Friday January 25 2013

Venue: McCain Building, Ondaatje Hall, Dalhousie University
Address: 6135 University Ave.
Cost: Free

Background: Being able to get around the HRM in an affordable and timely manner to work, school, play, and other activities is crucial to personal well-being and a growing and sustainable economy. Sharing the streets and making them accessible for the mobility of people and transport of goods is essential. The question is: "How can we create a city/region where using a car will be the last resort?"

Tim Papandreou, Deputy Director of Sustainable Streets in San Francisco will share what works, what doesn’t and what we might consider here in the HRM. Tim has been working on a “multi modal” model and partnership approach to sustainable streets. “Multi modal” is the term used worldwide for cities creating and designing infrastructure so more people can walk, bike, bus, ferry, shuttle and transit more frequently and use the car as the last resort for both economic and environmental reasons.

The Presentation by Tim Papandreou will be followed by cake, beverages and prizes celebrating CarShareHFX’s fourth anniversary.

Organizer:Derek Gillis: 902.420.7944

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